Vaydeer Undetectable Mouse Mover with Enlarged Turntable and Adjustable Intervals User-Friendly Buttons and LED Display Mouse Jiggler to Keep Your PC Awake

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$25.49 $29.99 Buy It Now
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  • Larger Turntable for Convenience: This new upgraded mouse mover has a bigger turntable which makes sure there is no need to align the mouse sensor anymore. Just put the mouse on the device, the mouse pointer will start to move. Besides, larger turntable ensures wider compatibility. It fits various mice on the market.
  • Adjustable Intervals for Natural Movement: This new upgraded mouse jiggler has 11-stage intervals for the turntable to stop. The benefit of stopping the turntable for different intervals is to make the mouse pointer moves more naturally and randomly.
  • LED Display for Details: This new upgraded mouse mover is equipped with an LED display to show the count down timer and rotation status. You will know the mouse mover better because of it.
  • Easy Button Operation: This new upgraded mouse mover device has 3 user-friendly buttons, ON/OFF, time add and time minus buttons. You can use them to turn on and off the device and adjust the intervals for the turntable to stop.
  • Undetectable and Driver-Free: This new upgraded mouse mover can be powered by both power socket and USB port of your PC. Both only provide electricity to the device, no communication with the PC, so your IT won’t detect anything.
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Ricky Cowen
Vaydeer Undetectable Mouse Mover with Enlarged Turntable and Adjustable Intervals User-Friendly Buttons and LED Display Mouse Jiggler to Keep Your PC Awake
Vaydeer Undetectable Mouse Mover with Enlarged Turntable and Adjustable Intervals User-Friendly Buttons and LED Display Mouse Jiggler to Keep Your PC Awake
$25.49 $29.99

Ricky Cowen
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