Curkey Nails Kit Acrylic Set – 24 Colors Glitter Acrylic Powder and Liquid Monomer Set for Beginners with Practice Finger – Acrylic Nail Kit with Everything for Nail Extension From walmart deals

$29.99 $35.99 Buy It Now
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Steps for doing the nail extension
1.Apply a layer of X-strength primer
2.Wear nail form tightly
3.Dip the acrylic powder with wet brush
4.Make the powders form into balls
5.Apply the powders on nails
6.Remove the nail forms, apply the top coat and cure it
Steps for making the acrylic flowers
1. Pour approriate monomer into the cup
2. Soak the brush completely
3. Dip the acrylic powder with wet brush
4. Make the powders form into balls
5. Stick it onto your nail and curve
6. Apply the top coat and cure
Curkey Nails Kit Acrylic Set – 24 Colors Glitter Acrylic Powder and Liquid Monomer Set for Beginners with Practice Finger – Acrylic Nail Kit with Everything for Nail Extension From walmart deals
Curkey Nails Kit Acrylic Set – 24 Colors Glitter Acrylic Powder and Liquid Monomer Set for Beginners with Practice Finger – Acrylic Nail Kit with Everything for Nail Extension From walmart deals
$29.99 $35.99

John D
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